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2. Queue

Driver Licence check is available as a service to customers. After a customer has availed the licence check services by subscribing. Customer have to provide a licence check start date and end date.

Driver is auto added to licence check queue in firebase after he has switched ON the licence check and has signed a mandate request. A schedular Trigger_DVLA_Licence_Check_Daily runs daily and creates cloud queue tasks for all the drivers in today's queue. Subsequently, the cloud task processes this queue, securely communicates with DVLA using JWT (JSON Web Tokens), retrieves license check results, and sends them back to the respective drivers.

Status: Draft (Pending Review)
Category: Protected
Authored By: Dhaval on May 13, 2022
22 Sept, 2023 Added information about the cloud task's communication with DVLA using JWT, by Sohan.